STEAM Saturday: Monarch Madness May 8, 2021
May 8th, 2021 @ 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

We have a special STEAM Saturday, and it’s all about Monarchs! Join us on Sat., May 8 for a full day of programs and educational activities focused on Monarch butterflies in the new Simmons Bank Ag Center.
10:30 a.m. Monarch Butterfly games led by Russell Orr in the Simmons Bank Ag Center
1 p.m. Marvelous Monarchs presented by Tara Dowdy, Reelfoot National Wildlife Refuge park ranger, in the Simmons Bank Ag Center
- Learn about the life cycle and migration of monarch butterflies, and play a life-size monarch board game.
2 p.m. “The Monarch Life Cycle” led by Corbin Ekberg at the touch table in the Regional History Gallery
- Join the wildlife team as they show you the different life cycles of the Monarch butterfly with a fun program!
3 p.m. KEVA Plank Challenge in Dinosaur Hall
Free with your membership or park admission. Not a member? Join today!
*All programs are subject to change or cancellation without notice.
Also, be sure to follow us for more information on Discovery Park of America’s Facebook page, Twitter and Instagram.
The mission of Discovery Park of America is to inspire children and adults to see beyond. Discovery Park of America is a 501(c)(3) public charity funded by generous individuals, corporations and foundations including its founder, the Robert E. and Jenny D. Kirkland Foundation.