Alice Fennel Receives Discovery Park of America 2019 Volunteer of the Year Award
February 13, 2020

Alice Fennel, a lifelong resident of Obion County, Tenn., was presented with the 2019 Volunteer of the Year Award at a volunteer appreciation luncheon on Thurs. in the Cooper Tower at the park.
March 3, 2020 – The Discovery Park of America Volunteer of the Year Award recognizes one outstanding volunteer for their valuable and selfless commitment to Discovery Park’s mission to inspire children and adults to see beyond.
Fennel has been volunteering with the organization in various ways since Robert Kirkland first began exploring the idea of an educational facility with the community. She currently works at the information table, assists with educational classes, is a board member and has been a passionate advocate for the upcoming exhibit on innovation in agriculture, “AgricCulture: Innovating for Our Survival.”
“Alice is a vibrant, active member of the volunteer team who is always prepared and willing to help. Over the years, she has remained consistent and dependable; she has personally inspired hundreds of children here at the park,” said Polly Brasher, Discovery Park’s education director. “Her work in our children’s music program and agricultural field trip programs has helped Discovery Park create unique, memorable experiences that will be cherished by students for years to come. Even when she isn’t present at the park, Alice constantly displays her dedication as our top recruiter for other excellent volunteers.”
Fennel was selected for the award by employees of the museum and heritage park.
“As a museum with so many visitors from out of town, it really helps them to have a smiling face of a volunteer from the community—like Alice—at the information desk,” said Scott Williams, Discovery Park president and CEO. “And I can personally share that her support, suggestions and connections have been especially valuable in my first year on the Discovery Park team.”
For others in the community who would like more information about the Discovery Park of America volunteer program, there will be an information session and behind-the-scenes tour with a customer service training session immediately following for those who would like to seriously consider joining the program after learning more at the information session.
Fri., Feb. 21
Discovery Park of America Volunteer Info Session Segment One
8 – 9 a.m., Overview of Discovery Park’s Volunteer Program
9 – Noon, Behind-the-scenes Tour and Customer Service Training
Mon., Feb. 24
Discovery Park of America Volunteer Info Session Segment Two
8 – 9 a.m., Overview of Discovery Park’s Volunteer Program
9 – Noon, Behind-the-scenes Tour and Customer Service Training
To RSVP, please email and let them know which day you plan to attend, your name and phone number.