Joel Harris: Legend of the Call 2019
October 3, 2019

Oct. 3, 2019 – Joel Harris of Troy, Tennessee was a pioneer of waterfowling in the Reelfoot Lake region of Northwest Tennessee and he made his mark through the art of Reelfoot style call making. This style of call making is unique with detail, wood working design, and a metal reed gut system. When I asked Ryan Graves, renowned waterfowl artifacts historian and consultant, about Joel, he didn’t have to tell me much to get his point across. Ryan stated, “He was one of the best at the game and exceptional at checkering. His calls are very desired by contemporary call collectors.”
Joel wasn’t just a consumer of what call making could provide him, but he was a strong producer of giving back to the art of it and the community that shared the same passion. Joel served as President of the Reelfoot Lake Waterfowl and Duck Call Collectors Association which was created in order to bring more revenue, preservation, and awareness to the Reelfoot Lake Region. Joel’s life is celebrated through the continued admiration of his work, and his legacy lives on through the community of call makers and waterfowl artifacts collectors.
Through celebrated collaboration, the duck call featured with this article, a Joel Harris masterpiece, will now be featured in the call collection at Discovery Park of America. That means your ability to see the value of this call is not only digitally available, but it is available for you to see in person in an environment that will enhance and educate you. Go experience a deeper appreciation of the Reelfoot Lake Region at Discovery Park of America, and see beyond.
About the region: The Reelfoot Lake Region of Northwest Tennessee has a narrative like no other, and its’ regional history of waterfowling not only runs deep locally, but it spans wide internationally. This region sits right in the heart of the Mississippi Flyway which is a geographical highway as waterfowl migrate from the prairies of northern Canada, to the flats of the North American south coast. Out of those roots has grown multi-generational family traditions, culture, craftsmanship and industry. Because of this, not only is the region celebrated among the waterfowling community, but the region has cultivated pioneers of waterfowling. Pioneers like Kelley Powers, 3x World Goose Calling Champion, and Final Flight Outfitters Inc, a nationally renowned outdoor retailer located in Union City, have been strong advocates of the region and for the waterfowling community. Final Flight Outffiters Inc. is a strong partner with Discovery Park of America, and is owned by Jon Ed, Tripp, & Kelley Powers who are locals of this region.
Guest Blogger: Seth Dortch is the marketing and media manager for Final Flight Outfitters, Inc. Visit